Frequently asked questions.
Who can take CLC?
CLC is open to any student of Social Circle City School System from grades 6 through 12.
How is CLC legal?
Yes! In 1952 the U. S. Supreme Court declared that release time programs are legal (Zorach vs. Clauson) as long as: no public funds are used for the program, the course is taken voluntarily with parental approval, classes are free to the students, and the class is held off the school campus.
Is there tuition for CLC?
CLC classes are offered at no cost to the student.
How is clc funded?
We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. 100% of our support comes from donations from individuals, businesses, organizations, and churches within the community.
Do you have to be a christian to take clc?
No! CLC classes are available to any Social Circle student who would like to enroll. The only entrance requirement is a signed parent or guardian permission form